You are here: FAQ > Documaker Standard Edition FAQ > Miscellaneous Issues

Miscellaneous Issues

This section contains the following topics:

How do I determine the version and patch level?

Can I load an INI file from another INI file?

What can I enter for a Yes/No INI option?

Does Oracle Insurance certify new versions of software?

What languages are supported by the spell checker?

What is XPath?

Are XML extract files “well-formed”?

Does the system support the Universal Naming Convention (UNC)?

Does the system support languages such as Thai, Japanese, and Chinese?

How do I include spaces in long file names when running utilities?

Is there a limit to the number of characters for an INI option?

How is SmartHeap used with the system?

What causes a SmartHeap error on Windows XP?

What do I do if I receive a message stating that the application is incomplete while trying to install the software?

Are there names to avoid when naming tables and other databases?

What utilities do I use to convert from Documaker FP to Documaker (AFP)?

How do I use FSIPath?

Does Documaker support UFST?